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Moonlight Selenite Tower

Moonlight Selenite Tower

Regular price $26.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $26.00 SGD
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A Selenite Tower is a crystal formation crafted from the mineral gypsum, specifically from the variety known as selenite. Selenite vibrates at a super-high frequency, making it a powerful healer effective at clearing heavy, blocked energy. With its calming energy, selenite is ideal for restoring peace and tranquility, making it a perfect addition to any bedroom. Placing a Selenite Tower in your bedroom can create a serene atmosphere conducive to restful sleep and emotional balance. Its gentle vibration promotes relaxation and helps clear the mind, making it easier to unwind after a long day.




Sourced sourced from various regions worldwide, including the United States, Australia and Greece.


Diameter: approx. 4cm/4.5cm
Height: approx. 10cm/15cm


The Selenite tower is a versatile crystal prized for its cleansing and spiritual properties. It is used for energy clearing, meditation, chakra healing, and enhancing the energy of other crystals. Its elegant appearance also makes it a popular decorative piece.

Care Instructions

Avoid Water: Selenite is a soft and fragile crystal that can dissolve in water. Avoid cleaning Selenite with water or any liquid-based cleansers to prevent damage.

Energy Cleansing: If you feel that the Selenite tower needs a deeper cleansing, you can use other energy cleansing methods such as smudging with Sage or Palo Santo smoke for 15 sec, or placing it near a piece of Clear Quartz overnight.

Gentle Wiping: Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe the surface of the Selenite tower. This can help remove any surface dust or dirt.

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